As an international freshman, my feet have yet to step on Cambridge soil — the closest I’ve been to Harvard is through Snapchat stories during Virtual Visitas. So naturally, instead of spending my Saturday night doing a math pset due the next day, I spent two hours Google Earth-ing Harvard Yard. I even went on a virtual tour of Harvard’s campus.
Let Flyby take a guess about your Zoom habits using your results to this quiz!
There are some undeniable benefits to online learning, however, for a perpetually sleep deprived college student, one has to wonder how beneficial Zoom classes are for one’s sleep schedule.
If there's anything we've gained from this global pandemic, it's a deep, crushing need for social connection. Woo! If you're anything like us and Tinder has become your latest go-to spot for conversation and/or validation, follow this guide to make sure your profile is in good shape for your next swiping session.