
Roger H. Wilson

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Ruggers Find Bermuda A Mid-Ocean Paradise

Eighteen University students returned from Bermuda last week convinced that the Bermuda Rugby Week Committee had given them a neat-perfect

Ruggers Bermuda Bound

Harvard University's Rugby Football Club, known more familiarly as the rugby team, after pre-war years of "unofficial" activity followed by

Sports of the Crimson

Along with goldfish gulping and backgammon, the last few years have witnessed the virtual disappearance of rugger from the Cambridge

Bikes Go West For Wellesley Prizes Sunday

Shouts of "Wellesley or bust" will again resound along the Worcester Turnpike Sunday when the Harvard Outing Club's cyclists renew

Lining Them Up

Down in the basement of the Indoor Athletic Building on either side of the pool are two fifty-foot long corridors,