
V. O. J.

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W RITTEN by a reporter of the Chicago Daily News and the Chicago Evening American, this latest of novels on

African Adventure

H E IS a prince in his own right in Africa He knows things which would make the imperialists of

Al Smith

I T is hardly likely that any book on New York's governor, written by Franklin D. Roosevelt, at this particular

Lawyer's Logic.

I NTO this volume are collected the shorter writings of Prof. Chafee of the Law School on freedom of thought

French, English, American Essays

N O one will expect a book supporting Catholicism and monarchy to be a best seller in this country, especially

THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. A History. By Frank R. Kent. The Century Co. New York, 1928. $5.00.

I T is a rare presidential year which does not bring to this country a whole crop of favorite sons,

Undergraduate Analysis --- O'Neill's Opus

W RITTEN in a biographical age notable chiefly for its iconoclasm, "Kit Carson" is just the sort of book one

Caesar's Rome -- Ibanez' Madrid

F OR the past few years, biographies have enjoyed a steadily increasing vogue, and with this trend has sprung up


If there is nothing new in this world then there certainly is no reason to suppose that there is anything