
Adam Kirsch

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Poets, Poems, Poetry Readings

One day, if it has not happened already, some Ph.D. candidate will write a dissertation on the effect of poetry

Prayers to Broken Tin Foil

T his is the way the year began--with what, by any standard, qualifies as a loud theatrical bang. No sooner

Stalin's Not-So-Willing Propagandist

Now that it has become as common for a serious reader to read literary biographies as actual novels, is only

Note to President Buchanan: Read 'em and Weep

Back in November 1994, the Republican takeover of Congress was heralded as the start of a new era. After half

Dunster Triumphs in Marriage of Figaro

The fourth production of the Dunster House Opera is also, by far, its most ambitious. In past years, the Opera's

The Maids Stumbles Under A Heavy Load

When it premiered in France in the 1950s, Jean Genet's The Maids must have been a shock. The play, based

New Music Raises Old Questions

If ever there was a monument to the Western Canon, Paine Hall is it. High above the audience, in proud

There's a Place For The Jets and Sharks

In 1995, it would probably be impossible to write a musical about gang warfare, racism, police brutality, and attempted rape.

'Fat Men' Doesn't Skirt Silver's Complex

Don't let the title fool you. "Fat Men in Skirts" conjures up a vision of the worst of current theatrical