
Mark T. Whitaker

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Malle a la Coquette

T HE COME-ON was irresistible. Polanski, the peep shows--everybody's been hot about the subject of sex and children. Everbody's been

Where the Grass Is Never Greener

I N HIS SELF-DEPRECATINGLY entitled autobiography A Sort of Life , Graham Greene tells the story of how as a

Council Frowns At Awards For Teaching

The Faculty Council yesterday gave a cool reception to a proposal that the College offer three awards for teaching excellence

CRR Reform Package Goes to Council

Members of the Committee on Rights and Responsibilities (CRR) yesterday presented to the Faculty the disciplinary body's package for self-reform.

Student Proposals on Investment In South Africa Go to ASCR

The University has decided to channel recent student proposals for change in Harvard's investment policy on South Africa through its

The Noble Drive Toward Individualism

The whistle is finally being blown on easily the most discouraging, and frequently the most vulgar development within America's intellectual

Skirting Trouble

The question of what to do about student demands for more women's studies at Harvard was the first item on

The Debate Goes On And On

Although the Supreme Court justices had already repaired to their chambers to consider the Bakke case, anti-Bakke groups from throughout

Of Love and Longing, Trials and Triumphs

There must have been moments when I felt the sorrows of a motherless child, but what I most remember from