
W. Clarkson.

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Leaders of Cheering.

The following, who have been appointed leaders of cheering, will please meet in the CRIMSON office at 7 o'clock tonight

Fall Baseball Notice.

The squads for fall baseball will here after report at 2.30 o'clock instead of at 2 o'clock. Every man must

Baseball Notice.

The second baseball squad will report for practice on Soldiers Field today at 2.30 o'clock. Every candidate must report then,

Baseball Notice.

The second baseball squad will report for practice on Soldiers Field Monday, April 27, at 2.30 o'clock. Every candidate must

Baseball Notice.

There will be practice today for the entire University baseball squad at 1.45 o'clock if the weather is fair: if

Baseball Notice.

All members of the University squad, as well as all members of the battery squad, report in the cage at

Baseball Notice.

All members of the University squad, as well as all members of the battery squad, report in the cage tomorrow

University Baseball Notice

Regular practice will be held today as usual. Commencing today there will be morning batting practice. Men must report in

University Baseball Notice.

There will be no work in the cage today. Regular practice will be held on Monday, as usual. Commencing Monday