
S. C. S.

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The Crimson Bookshelf

MORE complete than any previous volume of Franklin's writings, this compact book contains many hitherto unpublished letters and several selections


A RTHUR TRAIN has delighted the Saturday Evening Post's 3,000-000 readers for many months with his inimitable Mr. Tutt; thousands

The Crimson Moviegoer

Leslie Howard is recognized as one of the really fine actors in Hollywood and even though he seems to have

The Crimson Moviegoer

The Lone Wolf has returned for the ast time, apparently, since he has got himself married in this interesting picture

The Crimson Moviegoer

We are beginning to believe that there were almost as many Russian nobles as there are descendants of the passengers

The Crimson Bookshelf

THE AUTHOR of Escape from the Soviets loses none of her direct readable style in this second volume about conditions

The Bookshelf

A S anthologies of three famous authors, these little volumes are as complete as price will allow. The selections have

The Crimson Bookshelf

M R. WARD has eliminated all chance of criticism of the poems he has selected for his volume by disclaiming

The Crimson Bookshelf

T HE material is present for several exciting novels and a monograph on prison reform but unfortunately the two various