
F. MARK Muro

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Descent Into Hell

F REE FALL in Crimson begins: We talked past midnight, sat in the deck chairs on the sundeck of the

An American Poppa

S OMEBODY OUGHT TO WRITE a great book about the Hearsts; an epic that has everything. The saga cries out

Port of Call

A S EVERY young art consumer worth knowing will tell you, there is no room for adventure in the modernist

To the Brazilian Beat

W ITH FAST, INTUITIVE brush strokes Carlos Diegues" Bye Bye Brazil captures the spirit of an entire subcontinent in the

The Land Remembers

F ROM THE BEGINNING Americans have been a bit ill at ease with the out-on-a-limb experiment in self-reliance. Restlessly searching

Stalking the Wild Sociopath

E VEN AMONG mass murderers, the case of Theodore Robert Bundy stands out, the most grimly fascinating of them all.

A Celluloid Magic Show

M OVIES IN AMERICA were once just cheap popular amusement--you'd put in a penny, turn the crank, and get your

A Predator in Prose

A T 19, when most kids are off at college discovering the pleasures of the mind and of the senses,

Passengers in Transit

T O READ The Transit of Venus is to leave the crazed nihilistic rush of the modern street and to