
Jonathan S. Cohn

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Sometimes You've Just Gotta Take a Stand

"D ADDY, where were you the night before the war started?" Someday, my kids will ask me that question, just

War Worries

The comparisons were inevitable. As soon as President Bush ordered troops to the Persian Gulf this summer, some critics said

The Rights Worth Fighting For

I T WAS so simple last time around. When former President Ronald Reagan nominated Robert H. Bork to the Supreme

Bush the Bandit and Desperado Dave

I T'S NEAR DUSK as a lanky but ornery-looking bandit strolls into Dodge City. Peering through his bifocals, speaking prudently

Abandoning the Democratic Ship

P RESIDENT Bush may be Washington's most notorious wimp, but these days it looks like the Democratic Party is the

Corporation Names Committee to Advise Search for President

The Harvard Corporation has named six of its own members--along with three other officials--to a search committee aimed at finding

It's Back to Basics in a Show of Old Favorites

No lasers, fireworks or fancy synthesizers. Just a bust of Beethoven and a piano--a real piano. "The problem with a

Appreciate Harvard's Diversity

I really didn't know what to expect when I came to Harvard Summer School in June, 1986. I knew it

Kohl Calls for U.S. Assistance

Invoking the spirit--but only some of the substance--of the Marshall Plan, West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, speaking at Harvard Commencement