
Sandra E. Ravich

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Lindsay Denounces Force in Cities, Calls for Ways to 'Relieve Tensions'

Mayor John V. Lindsay of New York told a Sanders Theatre audience Saturday that "peace cannot be imposed on our

YR's Ask Peace In Vietnam War

The Harvard Young Republican Club has passed a resolution calling for "an immediate halt to the bombing of North Vietnam

Radcliffe Seniors May Live Off-Off

The Radcliffe College Council voted yesterday to allow all Radcliffe seniors the option of living in non-college housing next year.

Radcliffe Will Vote Today To Elect Officers of RUS

Radcliffe girls will vote today and tomorrow to elect the first officers of the Radcliffe Union of Students. The Radcliffe

Republican Club: A Quiet 20-Year-Old

William A. Rusher, the Buckley conservative who founded the Harvard Young Republican Club in 1947, values decorum. Rusher, now publisher

SDS Sends Harvard Season's Cheer Jeer

When the lilting strains of "Oh Come all Ye Mindless" failed to bring even a secretary to the windows of