
Michael Sragow

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Deeper Into Kael

Pauline Kael, at one time arguably the best film critic in operation, has turned into the Hubert Humphrey of film

Conrack and Its Critics

"You can take any stupidity you like and say, there, that's a liberal for you. Word covers simply everything." --Wilfrid

Speed and Thump

While pretending to capture the air of cynicism and moral defeat that has arisen in the age of Watergate, Hollywood

'The Glory of Blackness'

T HE WRITING in A Woman Named Solitude is so surely tied to the psyches of its characters that this

Suburban Apples and Neon

S OUTH JERSEY SUBURBS, which I'm familiar with, are different from the ones John Cheever writes about. Where I come

Deeper Into Kael

Pauline Kael, at one time arguably the best film critic in operation, has turned into the Hubert Humphrey of film

Right Between the Legs

T HERE ARE FOUR erotic scenes in The Last Tango in Paris which are so much more honest than the

Goodbye, Danny

D ANNY DECK, the hero of Larry McMurtry's `EGIBLE> novel, is the kind of writer which, when I was 16,

Kissing Off Chandler

D ON'T SEE The Long Goodbye if you have fond and entrenched memories of the Raymond Chandler crime novel. Director