
Michael J. Bonin

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The Essence of Derek Bok

M y first night at Harvard, after meeting my roommates and drinking far too much beer, I threw a cardboard

State to Grant Hospitals Money

BOSTON--The House of Representatives in a budget-busting move last week approved a measure that would grant $50 million to Massachusetts

Promise of a Positive Left

A S I watched the ghosts of 1969 rally in Harvard Yard two weeks ago, one word kept running through

House Gives Support to $338M in Added Spending

BOSTON--With the state facing a projected deficit of $100 million, the House of Representatives gave initial approval yesterday--by a voice

Frank Discusses AIDS Crisis

Despite an initial period of fear and confusion. the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) crisis has not led to the

Immigrants Rally at State House

BOSTON--Standing between the flags of the United States and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at a State House rally yesterday, Chinese

Flying the Union-Busting Skies

W HEN the machinists' strike against Eastern Airlines began 12 days ago, it was time for organized labor to start

House Rejects Grants for Schools

BOSTON--The Massachusetts House of Representatives yesterday rejected a budget amendment that would have granted millions of dollars to poorer school

600 College Students Protest Budget Cuts

BOSTON --As 600 angry college students gathered at the State House to protest proposed spending cuts in higher education, the