Crimson staff writer
Claire A. Michal
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Dancers in Ghungroo 2025
“Ghungroo: Rooted” marked the 37th year of this cherished student production.
CPS Will Continue Collecting Data on Transgender Students’ Identities, Despite Federal Changes
As the Trump administration rolls back protections for LGBTQ individuals, CPS Interim Superintendent David G. Murphy said district surveys will continue to recognize transgender and LGBTQ identities.
‘Set Up To Fail’: How Students and Funds Drained From Kennedy-Longfellow
After an unanimous vote to close the Kennedy-Longfellow elementary school, K-Lo parents and CPS staff said that the district’s controlled choice system — which allows parents to rank preferences for their children’s school— failed K-Lo.
Families at Kennedy Longfellow Receive School Placements After Closure
More than 200 students at the Kennedy Longfellow School received their new school placements on Feb. 10 as Cambridge Public Schools prepares to shut down the elementary school after this academic year.
Vice Mayor Says Federal Funding Cuts May Pose Long-Term Challenges for CPS Budget
Vice Mayor Marc C. McGovern warned that the budgeting process for Cambridge Public Schools could be more difficult with recent threats to federal funding at a joint roundtable between the CPS School Committee and Cambridge City Council.
School Committee Meeting
The School Committee Meeting was held at Cambridge City Council, located at 795 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge.
Ed Department Report Finds Massachusetts Fails to Support Students with Special Education Needs
A Department of Education report made public on Feb. 12 stated that the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has failed to comply with a federal law to provide support for students with disabilities.
Staff, Parents Ask for Clarity as CPS Transitions K-Lo Students to New Schools
While Cambridge Public Schools works to transition students from the Kennedy-Longfellow School, following a December vote to close the school, parents and staff are saying they need more agency and clarity over what happens next.