Contributing writer

Grace E. Yoon

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Harvard Chabad Accuses City Zoning Board of Religious Discrimination in Lawsuit

Harvard Chabad accused the Cambridge Board of Zoning Appeal of religious discrimination in a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court on Friday morning after the board denied the group’s application to significantly expand its headquarters.

Homeless Families in Cambridge Temporary Shelter Report Worsening Conditions

Residents and shelter workers at the Cambridge Registry of Deeds building center said the new five-day stay limit was going unenforced but fostered a sense of instability as residents struggled to make concrete plans for the future.

Harvard Chabad Appeals Zoning Board Decision to Reject Expansion

Harvard Chabad, after twice failing to secure city approval for a large-scale expansion, appealed the decision Monday afternoon — just hours before their deadline to do so.

Affirmative Action, Activism, and Afro-American Studies: The Class of 1974 Looks Back on Racial Progress

Between debate over affirmative action, the inception of an Afro-American Studies department, and the rise of student activism and groups like the African and African American Resistance Organizations, the Class of 1974 went through Harvard at a pivotal time in the history of race relations and Black students on campus.