Crimson staff writer

Angelina J. Parker

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Provost’s Office Declines to Continue Funding HGC Legal Aid Program

After two semesters of “overwhelming” success, the Harvard Graduate Council’s legal aid program did not receive approval for additional funding from the Office of the Provost, preventing it from running in the fall.

HESA Elections to Return This Fall With Greater Oversight After Abrupt Spring Postponement

The Harvard Extension School Association’s elections will be held this fall after allegations of candidate misconduct and cyberbullying prompted Extension School administrators to postpone the elections last spring, the Division of Continuing Education announced in a Friday email to HESA candidates.

Harvard Launches New Intro Math Course to Address Pandemic Learning Loss

The Harvard Math Department will pilot a new introductory course aimed at rectifying a lack of foundational algebra skills among students, according to Harvard’s Director of Introductory Math Brendan A. Kelly.