Contributing writer

Vivian W. Rong

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Resurrecting Film Photography in the Eliot House Basement

When Elmer and Social Studies lecturer Bonnie Talbert stepped into the position of Eliot’s faculty deans earlier this year, they wanted to bring a piece of themselves into House life. So Elmer decided to resurrect the abandoned Eliot darkroom and teach a House seminar on film photography.

Advice to Josh: When Does Winter End?

As the weather fluctuates between the 30s and high 50s, and as the weeks hurtle by, it seems like spring should be coming. The air is slowly getting warmer, on average, and there are some buds starting to burst forth on bare branches. Still, Cambridge seems dreary and gray, and the midterm slump certainly isn't helping the sense of endless winter. So we're here to give Josh advice on knowing when exactly winter ends.

Pedal to the Metal at Cabot’s Quad Bikes

“Having someone walk in with a broken bike and walk out with a fixed bike — there are few things I've done at this university that have made people so instantly happy,” says Quad Bikes manager Julian K. Li ’25.