Crimson staff writer

Saketh Sundar

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HLS Black Law Students Association Endorses Candidates to Serve as Next Dean

Harvard Law School’s Black Law Student Association endorsed professor David B. Wilkins ’77 and controversial former Winthrop House Faculty Deans Ronald S. Sullivan Jr. and Stephanie R. Robinson in the search for a new dean.

Former Tanzanian President and Mozambican Prime Minister Talk African Governance at IOP

The Former President of Tanzania, Jakaya M. Kikwete, and former Mozambican Prime Minister Luisa D. Diogo took the stage at the Institute of Politics on Monday to discuss the state of political governance in Africa.

Harvard Law School Is Looking for a New Dean. Here’s What You Need To Know.

As Harvard prepares to choose a new dean of the Law School, HLS faculty expressed support for a wide range of candidates, including interim Dean John C. P. Goldberg. But they all agreed on one thing: the next dean should come from within their own ranks.

Harvard Hillel, Chabad Organize Vigil To Mourn 6 Hostages Killed in Gaza

Roughly 200 Harvard affiliates attended a vigil on Sunday to mourn the lives of the six hostages whose bodies were recovered from Gaza and to demand the return of all the remaining hostages held captive by Hamas.

Former Penn President Liz Magill Appointed HLS Visiting Fellow

Former University of Pennsylvania President Elizabeth Magill will join Harvard Law School’s Center on the Legal Profession as a visiting senior fellow this fall, according to a recently updated copy of Magill’s curriculum vitae.