Crimson opinion writer

Anant P. Rajan

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Single-Payer Healthcare is Sense, Not Socialism

To all those who dispute a single-payer health system on the grounds that it is uneconomical, or inefficient: Your arguments have been refuted time and time again, by scholars and experts more knowledgeable than us both. I can only say one additional thing to try to change your mind. I will have to put this man’s cold, stiff, bare dead body in a body bag and take him to the morgue. You will not.

Diamonds are a Desi’s Best Friend

Listen, we’re gonna need the diamond back. You lot barely even use it. And yes, this may not necessarily change in an Indian museum, but here’s the difference: For us, it’s a beacon of our cultural heritage, a jewel that represents the journey of a billion people’s ancestors through history, a special representation of the country; for y’all, it’s just another big, ill-gotten diamond.