Clyve Lawrence

Crimson opinion writer

Clyve Lawrence

Clyve Lawrence ’25 is a Government concentrator in Adams House and an editorial board columnist for the fall of 2022. His column “Our Transportation Crisis” appears on alternate Mondays.

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Dissent: Don’t Donate to Harvard

Given the host of things the uber-rich spend their money on, donating to an educational institution like Harvard is somewhat praiseworthy. It is, however, not the most effective use of $300 million — not even close.

Dissent: Harvard Square is Not the Center of the Universe

It’s time we asked ourselves, who’s really to blame for Harvard Square being so inaccessible: individual tourists or the multibillion-dollar university that created a local economy with 16 dessert shops, more than 10 banks, and an overpriced CVS in an effort to appeal to them?