Crimson staff writer

Shireen Younus

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Losing The Final Notes

But a part of me continues to mourn my college experience. That part is still waiting to land in Boston Logan and catch a glimpse of the Charles River and drop by Felipe’s in the evening and run into friends and familiar strangers and jump back into another semester of school. That part checks my college email, is holding on to a never-used JP Licks gift card, burns a Boston scented candle. It’s ready to go back.

In Defense of Ignorance

I’m a citizen of this country, and its politics affect me, my family, and my friends. And yet, when it comes to political news, even my mother talks circles around me.

Harvard’s Kavanaughs

And as long as we remain unwilling to change, our institutions will never create true leaders. Instead, we will continue producing men like Brett Kavanaugh — those who, instead of changing for the better, act to further the worst.

Living Through 'Punish a Muslim' Days

Being Muslim is knowing how to navigate, and survive, and thrive, even while you duck and dodge and jump.