Crimson opinion writer

Robert Miranda

Robert Miranda '20 is an Editorial Chair of the 146th Guard. He studies English and lives in Pforzheimer House.

Crimson opinion writer Robert Miranda can be reached at Follow them on X @robservations_.

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What Have I Learned From Harvard?

Can I truly and honestly say that Harvard has made me the better person I wanted to be? I don’t know. What I can say is Harvard has shown me my limitations and strengths, and given me a realistic sense of who I really am.

Our Last Harvard Confessions

Overall, in the grand scheme of things, not much has changed. We’re older, grayer, bruised, tired to the bone (and dare we say perhaps even a bit wiser).

A Part of the Institution

Within the ivy-covered walls of our ivory tower, we cling to generations of self-imposed hierarchies and rules, governing our roles and our leadership, generating the social stratification that drives many of our actions.

Writing as Activism

The implications of thinking about writing in this way are enormous. Yes, writing can delight, it can instruct, it can entertain, it can reveal — and often do all of those at the same time. But it can also call to action.

Can Objectivity Exist at Harvard?

While sometimes the topic in question appears to lend itself to a simple judgement, too often students are quick to rush to opine without knowing all the facts.

Harvard’s Administrative Nightmare

I understand many new policies are well-intentioned, especially with regards to the student experience. But we all know where good intentions lead, and I wouldn’t say many new policies meant to improve student life have been all that successful.

A Series of Fortunate Memories

I was brought back to October 13, 2006 (of course, a Friday), when I’d attended a Barnes & Noble on the other side of town to attend a midnight launch party for “The End,” the final installment in the series.