Contributing writer

Norah M. Murphy

Norah M. Murphy is the Magazine Chair of the 146th Guard. She can be reached at

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You Don't Have to Go Home, But You Can't Stay Here

The parties that happened in those last five days were like corrupted versions of normal college parties. They were necessarily more debaucherous than usual, but more than that, the regular components of a party now felt discordant. The people, locations, and drinks were all the same. But as partying mutated into a four-day-long hangover, there was no distinction between a party and daily life. People spoke bluntly in a mimicry of normal, tipsy party behavior, but now they did so because nothing seemed to matter. If a conversation turned awkward or if flirtation was poorly received, there was no need to blame it on the alcohol or the atmosphere — no one would see each other for months, or maybe ever again.

Editor's Note

There are 15 reasons that you should read this issue: one for each of the seniors that we’ve decided to profile. “15 Most Interesting” is perhaps a misnomer — we could have selected several groups of 15 seniors to profile out of the many nominations we received.

Ted Judge Will Keep in Touch

For more than 40 years, Ted — who lives with cerebral palsy — has worked with a series of Harvard student helpers, forging friendships that last decades. The string of volunteers form a precarious chain that could come undone at any moment.

Leaked: The Bisexual Agenda

FM’s roving bisexual reporter has taken it upon herself to leak The Bisexual Agenda, in the interest of extending such visibility beyond the brief, sweet 24 hours of this vaguely named holiday.

Gay Secrets of Harvard Art Museums

Puritanical influences be damned: The Boston Museum of Fine Arts is known to have an impressive collection of BGLTQ-centric art. (The company Oscar Wilde Tours leads “Gay Secrets of the MFA,” which has caught the eye of many a Facebook-browsing FM writer.) Harvard’s origins are similarly Puritanical, but is our art museum just as secretly queer? FM’s self-identified “roving bisexual reporter” investigates.

Where the Wild Things Are at 7 a.m.

We are waiting to enter Cure Lounge (described as “Boston’s Sexiest Lounge” on its website) in the wee hours of a Thursday morning to attend Daybreaker: an “early morning dance movement.”