Crimson staff writer
Jamie D. Halper
Jamie D. Halper is the Associate Managing Editor of the 146th guard. She can be reached at jamie.halper@thecrimson.com. Follow her on Twitter @jamiedhalper.
Latest Content
In Wake of #MeToo, Harvard Title IX Office Saw 56 Percent Increase in Disclosures in 2018, Per Annual Report
Disclosures of sexual and gender-based harassment across the University increased 56 percent in 2018, according to an annual Title IX Office report.
Harvard President Bacow Opposes Provisions of DeVos’s Proposed Title IX Rules
University President Lawrence S. Bacow reiterated Harvard’s commitment to respond to new proposed federal Title IX rules.
Bacow Says Harvard Ready to Face Recent Flurry of Lawsuits
Harvard is currently facing a plethora of lawsuits, some against its admissions policies and some challenging its single-gender social group sanctions.
Bacow Responds to DeVos's Proposed Title IX Rules, Releases Policy Report
President Bacow released a long-awaited report reviewing the University's Title IX policies and addressed concerns over how Harvard will adapt its guidelines to proposed government rules in an email to students Thursday.
News Analysis: How President Bacow Decides When to Speak Out — And When to Remain Silent
As national political divisions deepen and create fissures on campus, Bacow is following in his predecessor’s footsteps, occasionally taking stands but largely keeping quiet.
Bacow, Keeping Close Tabs on Admissions Trial, Says He Remains Confident Harvard Will Win
Bacow may not be sitting in court as Harvard defends its race-conscious admissions policies, but he receives daily updates — and he remains confident the University will win at trial's end.
Claybaugh Invites Student Involvement in Undergraduate Education Decisions
“While listening to students discuss their experiences of shopping period, we also heard some students say that they felt excluded from decisions being made about undergraduate education more generally,” Claybaugh wrote.
Title IX Policy Review Committee Produces Report for Bacow
Former University President Drew G. Faust created the committee in 2015 when Harvard continued to face criticisms of its policy and procedures on sexual misconduct after it overhauled them in 2014.
Harvard Still Facing Three Federal Probes Into Its Compliance With Title IX
Harvard continues to face three separate federal Title IX investigations more than four years after the first complaint was filed.
100 Days of President Bacow
Throughout American history, “100 days” has marked a critical benchmark for any new leader. The Crimson looks back on University President Lawrence S. Bacow's first months in Harvard's — and arguably, higher education's — top job.