
Jenny J. Choi

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Mandatory Reading

We need that empathy now, right now, to address what is going on not only at Mizzou and at Yale, but also at Harvard and at every school in the United States.

Our Outdoors, Your Reasons

The woods are beautiful because no matter how many people share them, they are infinitely yours.

On Bernie Supporters

The duty of idealism’s supporter in any presidential election extends beyond achieving the sweetness of election victory.

The Elephant Will Take You There

As classmates and peers, the least we can do is to step beyond the judgments in our minds—“ugh, here goes the annoying public service evangelist” or “ugh, I guess you sold your soul”—and help each other make intentional choices throughout the process.

CS50 and Leaving the KIND Bars Behind

CS50 has the potential to make an unprecedented impact on communities, cities, states, and countries around the world.

The Political You

Just like a concentration whose lineage traces back to a limited part of the globe produces inherently political classrooms, the “normal” or “general” magazine with a more or less homogenous staff publishes political material. At the end of the day, all of these things are privileging and propagating a certain opinion, no matter how well that opinion blends into the background.

What’s Up With the Hackathons, Man?

But why do we so rarely see hackathon projects making a truly big impact? If all that developers promise at hackathons on international development, healthcare, and criminal justice had happened, wouldn’t we be living in a utopia?

Doing School: An Experiment

Over my three years here, much of my writing has served to criticize Harvard, its institutions, and its traditions. But I still love this place. Harvard gives you the thing to criticize and the tools with which to criticize it.

Welcome to the Hood

This is why all the vulnerability and buzz surrounding blocking sometimes excites me. At least for a couple of weeks, it brings our attention from far, far away back down to the local sphere.