James Piltch
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The Importance of Being a Citizen Too
I hope, though, that those of us who ultimately become leaders will remember to be citizens, too. I hope that we will remember those whom we serve and why we serve them.
The Best Part of Harvard
Whatever your tradition is with your friends, whatever the moments you love most are, build your schedule around them for a change, instead of fitting those memories into the smallest time slots of your crazy weeks.
FM Imagines: Extracurriculars to the Real World
FM imagines where Harvard’s premier talent is most likely to end up. Today we bring you a guide to your futures based on your choice of student group. And let’s be honest: We all know Harvard students only join these clubs for the career opportunities. So when you consider what to comp next semester, keep this list in mind.
The 7 People You Matched With On Datamatch
Well, it’s that time of the year again, the time when loveless (and sexless) Harvard students have their best chance of finding the one who’s missing from their lives. No, I am not talking about the podst-Valentine’s Day spike in Tinder use. We’re talking about the one, the only, Datamatch. If love can’t be found using questions such as, “What kind of infectious disease describes your sex life?” then all hope is lost. With that in mind, FM describes the seven people with whom you Datamatched (whether or not you are excited about them is up to you).
Trouble In Hogwarts
I believe that if we recognize our limitations and ask slightly less of ourselves, we, our friendships, our grades, our careers, and Harvard will all be better for it.
In Search of Lost Time
Despite working myself to the brink and dismissing the difficulty of my efforts, when I consider my favorite moments at Harvard thus far, they all occurred in the random, uncommon white space on my calendar.
The Difficulty of Defining Difficulty
In our quest to be the best, I find that we frequently lose sight of the amazing, meaningful talents we already do possess.