Crimson staff writer

Annie C. Harvieux

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Father, Flyer, Driver, Runner: Harvard Shuttle Driver Runs Boston Marathon

Bariagaber ran the full Boston Marathon on Apr. 18, over 30 years after making an overseas voyage from Eritrea to the United States.

A Vieux From the Trees: You're Not You When You're ________

After 21 years in my own body and mind, I know some basic things I need to function best: six to eight hours of sleep, breakfast, comfortable clothes and footwear, my prescribed meds for depression and asthma, feeling respected by my co-workers, a balance of social time and solitude, a healthy level of engagement in tasks.

A Vieux from the Trees: Flipping the Page

What I’m going to do with my life will come in phases, the first ones probably more weird and uncomfortable before I figure things out.

A Vieux from the Trees: Participation Points

Regardless of the tonal variety of the small memories I’ve accrued on-campus, I can’t say I regret any major decision I’ve made in college—the bottoms of hills on which I started have all led me to climb to better places.

A Vieux from the Trees: My Mental Health Issues Aren’t About Harvard

Introducing one of our new columns, Annie C. Harvieux's "A Vieux from the Trees."

FM Imagines: Breaking: New Gen Ed Categories Announced!

​Faculty opinions have made it clear that our current Gen Ed system is in radical need of improvement to meet students’ intellectual needs in our complex, changing world. As per request, we have pared students’ non-concentration requirements down to only four Gen Ed varieties, often combining old categories that are similar enough if we don’t overthink it; plus, an expository writing course and the study of a foreign language. ​

Write Yourself Out of this Box

​“You can write yourself out of anything,” I tell myself as a sort of mantra while I struggle to type up a simple, short lab report for my graduation-requirement science class, one that’s clearly designed for humanities majors but still manages to leave me with a backpack full of returned tests covered in inky red X’s.

This Might Get Cheesy

A Culver’s in its natural environment, though, is always found in Wisconsin. On the side of any highway, framed by scrubby trees, you’re bound to spot the navy blue oval of a Culver’s sign, that beacon leading to squeaky cheese with a crispy, hot outer crust and served with cups of shamelessly fatty frozen custard.

Scene and Heard: Election Night at the IOP

Campaign yard signs hang from the ceiling like colored shirts from clotheslines. Star shaped balloons and American flags deck the stairwells.