Crimson staff writer

Libby R. Coleman

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Special Concentration Quiz

Take a look at these special concentrations—paired with thesis titles—to pick out the real from the fake, and the special from the non-special.

FM Editor's Note

This is the way FM ends. Not with a bang, but with 15. It’s also not the real end, but just the end for this year. We still have our Superboard keys. Steven S. Lee, you’re not reading this—and if you are, it’s because you Googled your own name. Touché.

Where Theater Meets Reality

“Our mission, as we state in our website, is the enhancement of human existence through the advancement of the field of social engineering,” Cengiz Cemaloğlu ’18 says. He’s talking about Reality Theatre Co., a Hong Kong-based company of which he was the director last year. During his senior year of high school, he says that Reality Theatre Co. netted $110,000, completed 34 out of its 35 projects successfully, and received 120 proposals.

Scoped: Eric Q. Doyle

We got a tip that the nut guy at the farmer's market was hot. So we had to see for ourselves. Mostly, we imagine, people ask him, "What's the price of your nuts?" We rose above and asked the serious questions. We even (reluctantly) rejected the free samples.