Crimson staff writer

Alexandra M. Slaight

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Twitter Interview with @LamontCafeGirl

If you're a frequenter of Lamont Café, you may have heard of @LamontCafeGirl, a Twitter account run by the baristas. Flyby tweeted with @LamontCafeGirl in an ongoing interview to get the lowdown on Lamonsters, obnoxious customers, and the state of the café during finals period, all in 140 characters or less. The highlights are below.

Thundersticks To Cause Mayhem At Yale

If you have heard the trumpeting, raucous call of a vuvuzelas on campus, you have likely heard the product of last year's Silence Yale campaign. Attendants of the Game this weekend might expect a similar earache to the one vuvuzelas bring; this year, the group is selling limited-edition Harvard-Yale thundersticks.

Wishing at 11:11 on 11/11/11

Though a phenomenon of dubious origins, the habit of making a wish when the clock reads 11:11 may be related to the belief that repeated numbers herald good luck. Some believe that a wish made this Friday morning may be more likely to come true because of the abnormal number of repeated digits in the date and time. In anticipation of the clock striking 11:11 on 11/11/11, we sent a roving reporter around campus to see what people had to say about the tradition of making wishes according to the clock.