Crimson staff writer

Rachel T. Lipson

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10 reasons why Cambridge is the healthiest city in America

“Self Magazine,” the self-proclaimed titan of “health and beauty, fitness and nutrition, happiness and personal style, celebrity and sex” recently named Cambridge the country’s Healthiest City for Women. Here are 10 reasons why.

Love it: Slutty Halloween Costumes

Halloween is the only day of the year when it’s perfectly acceptable to look like a total skank.


Boston wouldn’t be Boston without Yastrzemski, Bird, Bobby Orr, and an intense hatred of the Yankees. Considering that more New ...

Boston Trail Mix

Got a bike you want to use for more than that daily trek to CGIS? Tired of perusing the same ...

Can We Have Thanksgiving Again? Please?

After a holiday weekend away from Cambridge, the toughest adjustment that we students face may not be from West Coast waves to East Coast ice or from snoozing to studying. Rather, the harshest reality check might have come as a punch to the stomach.

Academics Deny Friction Over Research Contrast

After being quoted in a collegiate newspaper that he had “challenged” an economic study penned by two Harvard faculty members, ...