Crimson staff writer

Gautam S. Kumar

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Where We Stand: The Class of 2013 Senior Survey

The Crimson conducted a survey of the Class of 2013 from May 11 to May 21. Nearly half of the senior class—780 respondents—answered questions on topics ranging from drug use to House satisfaction to post-graduation plans. We assume the sample is a random selection and therefore discount any selection bias. The results paint a picture of the class that graduates this week.

Hauser Lab To House Other Professors

The tenth floor of William James Hall, which previously housed the research facilities of former psychology professor Marc D. Hauser, will be renovated to accommodate laboratory space for three other psychology professors.

Economics Nobel Laureate Eric Maskin Returning to Harvard

After spending the last 10 years teaching and conducting research at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., economics professor and Nobel laureate Eric S. Maskin ’72 will return to Harvard in the spring.

Digital Library Nearly Online

The Digital Public Library of America, an initiative spearheaded by Harvard faculty members, is making fast progress toward developing a fully operational online database of existing digitized works by April 2013.

Hauser Replies to Citation Allegations

Former Harvard psychology professor Marc D. Hauser responded publicly to Princeton philosophy professor Gilbert Harman’s accusation that Hauser failed to adequately credit another scholar in his 2006 book, Moral Minds.

New College Theater To Be Renamed Farkas Hall

The New College Theater will be renamed Farkas Hall following a significant donation from Andrew L. Farkas ’82.

Perry and Hollywood Politics

Perry’s upcoming thriller might be a horror film.