
Sonam S. Velani

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UC Tags Info On Grants

Party grants now come with strings attached. Students who receive alcohol reimbursements will now also get free advice on how

Grammy Winner ‘Mentor of Year’

After winning 26 Grammy awards and garnering seven Oscar nominations, music impresario Quincy D. Jones was given a different kind

Pledge Earns Wind Energy

A record number of University affiliates have promised to limit their energy use by signing the Harvard Sustainability Pledge, earning

Henrietta's or HUDS for Holiday?

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, natives and newcomers will come together to gobble on a more upscale version of dining

Undergrads Join 'Gray Hairs' at CES

With purses heavy from a recent donation, the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies is hoping to spark College

Dems Hit Trail in Key(Stone) State

Clipboards in hand, the Harvard College Democrats flocked to Pennsylvania in an effort to tip the scales in two upcoming