
Marie C. Kodama

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Harvard To Help Develop New Global Climate Treaty

The University announced a plan earlier this month to help develop a more effective and inclusive international treaty for reducing

The Faithful in Academic Limbo

The year began with the study of religion nearly becoming required of all Harvard undergraduates. It ends with that idea

CUE Vets Faster Grades

CORRECTION APPENDED Harvard students who just can’t wait 10 days after exams to see their grades might soon have a

Pell Increase May Cut Other Aid

Politicians and higher education experts welcomed the proposal to increase federal Pell Grant funding by the largest amount in three

Prof Awarded Japan Prize

For Peter S. Ashton, the Harvard ecologist who won the prestigious Japan Prize for his research on tropical ecology, teamwork

Shut-down Mexican College Newspaper Returns to the Presses

A student-run Mexican newspaper that was shut down last month after printing cartoons and columns criticizing the university administration regained

Students Say Mexican Paper Was Censored

One of Mexico’s student-run college papers was suddenly shut down two weeks ago by the Universidad de las Americas-Puebla (UDLA)

Obama Left Mark on HLS

Days before he launched his campaign for the presidency, Barack H. Obama gave Law School professor David B. Wilkins ’77