
Beccah G. Watson

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Love in the Time of Free Samples

This time of year, Harvard Yard is covered in stately snow drifts, and the afternoon light makes the steeple on

Where Wings Take Dream

On a fall day in 2000, George W. Bush was hard at work on the presidential campaign trail. He spoke

Something to Shave About

Wigs…Dresses…Boobs! Is it Barbara Bush? Is it what Arnold Schwarzenegger’s groping? No, it’s Adams House Drag Night! Drag Night is

Of Dead Fish and Final Clubs

When final club punching season begins, I am often reminded of my grandfather’s story about the dead fish. At the

Finding Room for Co-ed Living

In the fall of 1969, a year before Harvard and Radcliffe dorms went co-ed, undergraduate Al Gore was caught out