
Claire G. Friedman

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HCl Spill Evacuates Science Center

A chemical spill in the Science Center early yesterday afternoon led to an immediate and complete evacuation of the building

Harvard Alum Wins Pulitzer Prize

When a delivery person dropped off a carton of champagne at The Wall Street Journal’s Boston bureau Monday, Daniel L.

Broad Director Lander Joins HMS

MIT Professor and Director of the Broad Institute Eric Lander join the faculty of Harvard Medical School (HMS) this month,

Virus Mimics Harvard Server

A new virus that send messages under the guise of the Harvard e-mail server spread through computers across campus yesterday,

New Director To Broaden Focus of Risk Analysis Center

Four months into his stint as head of Harvard’s Center for Risk Analysis (HRCA), James K. Hammitt ’78 has plans

Bio Students Get By With Minimal Math Requirements

As Harvard faculty continue to emphasize the importance of interdisciplinary study, some biology students are learning the hard way that

Network Joins Female Grad Students

Over lunch last October, five female friends from the Kennedy School of Government (KSG) decided it was time to unite