What did I just read

Harvard’s Reign of Terror

​Life is full of change. Semesters end in the blink of an eye, friends come and go, and my future career options change with every week. Change is good, I’m told, and I’ve come to accept this.

Illegal Pets: Paper the Hamster and Laddy the Leopard Gecko

College students can barely take care of themselves, much less their pets. This hasn’t stopped a few brave souls though—read their horror stories, their delights, and that one time they brought their mouse to Lowell Lecture Hall in a Starbucks cup. Enjoy the third part in this miniseries here!:

Illegal Pets: Beatrice the Cannibal Hedgehog

College students can barely take care of themselves, much less their pets. This hasn’t stopped a few brave souls though—read their horror stories, their delights, and that one time they brought their mouse to Lowell Lecture Hall in a Starbucks cup. Enjoy the second in this miniseries here!:

Illegal Pets: Dillan the Field Mouse

College students can barely take care of themselves, much less their pets. This hasn’t stopped a few brave souls though—read their horror stories, their delights, and that one time they brought their mouse to Lowell Lecture Hall in a Starbucks cup. Read the first post in this miniseries here:

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