
House Committee Releases Harvard Disciplinary Records

House Committee on Education and the Workforce Chair Virginia Foxx slammed Harvard on Thursday for failing to “impose meaningful discipline” on students who participated in pro-Palestine campus protests.

Garber Praises Harvard Legacy of Slavery Initiative at Radcliffe Anniversary

University President Alan M. Garber ’76 praised Harvard Radcliffe Institute Dean Tomiko Brown-Nagin for her leadership on the Harvard & the Legacy of Slavery initiative and his academic freedom working group at a Radcliffe event on Thursday.

Harvard Issues New Guidance on Policy Restricting Official University Statements

Harvard quietly rolled out new guidance on the implementation of its newly-adopted institutional voice report on Tuesday, following uncertainty over how strictly the recommendations would limit statements from University officials, centers, and student employees.

Marc Goodheart, Longtime Secretary of Harvard’s Governing Boards, to Step Down in May

Marc L. Goodheart ’81, the longtime secretary to the University's secretive governing boards, will leave Loeb House after more than 27 years in the role to take a new position as a senior adviser to the president of the University.

HLS Black Law Students Association Endorses Candidates to Serve as Next Dean

Harvard Law School’s Black Law Student Association endorsed professor David B. Wilkins ’77 and controversial former Winthrop House Faculty Deans Ronald S. Sullivan Jr. and Stephanie R. Robinson in the search for a new dean.

Harvard Affiliates Enslaved Over 300 People, University Researchers Find

The Harvard Slavery Remembrance Program has identified more than 300 enslaved individuals who were owned by Harvard affiliates — a significantly higher figure than what the University initially disclosed in its 2022 report.

Harvard Jewish Alumni Alliance Slams Harvard, Global Antisemitism at Event

A number of speakers condemned antisemitism on Harvard’s campus and called on the University’s leadership to better protect Jewish students during an event hosted by the Harvard Jewish Alumni Association on Sunday.

Harvard President Garber Visits Seattle, Los Angeles in West Coast Swing

University President Alan M. Garber ’76 toured the West Coast last week, traveling to Los Angeles and Seattle to meet with hundreds of alumni in his first set of club-hosted alumni events since his permanent appointment in August.

Harvard Kennedy School's Carr Center Holds Inaugural Event for ‘Surveillance Capitalism’ Initiative

The Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School held the inaugural event on Friday for its new initiative, “Surveillance Capitalism or Democracy?” — a subsidiary of its Technology and Human Rights program.

Infighting and Pressure From Above: Inside Harvard’s Legacy of Slavery Initiative

The $100 million Harvard & the Legacy of Slavery initiative is meant to redress the University’s historic ties to slavery. But over the last two years, the project has been hampered by internal tension, alleged pushback over its scope, and leadership turnover.

Foxx Says Harvard Obstructed Probe Into Alleged Assault at Pro-Palestine Protest

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) and Rep. Elise M. Stefanik ’06 (R-N.Y.) accused Harvard of “willfully obstructing” a criminal investigation into the alleged physical assault of a Jewish student during a pro-Palestine protest last year.

Former Tanzanian President and Mozambican Prime Minister Talk African Governance at IOP

The Former President of Tanzania, Jakaya M. Kikwete, and former Mozambican Prime Minister Luisa D. Diogo took the stage at the Institute of Politics on Monday to discuss the state of political governance in Africa.

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