South Asian Studies

Red & Black Revolution

A world debut of an exhibit of dazibao and woodcuts from 1960's China is on display in the CGIS South Asia Center's lobby. The exhibit is entitled "Red & Black Revolution."

The Humanities at Work

The universe of higher education often bemoans a "crisis" in the humanities, with supposedly dwindling numbers and few job prospects. At Harvard, humanities concentrators face a crisis of choice, attempting to balance their passions with factors like stability and employment. For Harvard graduates, the question is not so much whether you’ll get a job with a humanities degree—it’s where.

Author Musharraf Farooqi Discusses Storytelling

Farooqi argued for the need to sometimes rework historical stories, since some have potentially harmful social messages regarding gender, violence, and relationships.

Harvard, Brown Host Pakistani Film Festival

After a recent downturn, the Pakistani film industry is showing signs of renewed life, according to the hosts of the 2015 Harvard-Brown Pakistani Film Festival.

Harvard's South Asia Institute Co-sponsors Vigil

Participants hold a "Students for Nepal" banner at a candlelight vigil Thursday. The vigil was cosponsored by Students for Nepal, a Boston-based organization, as well as Harvard's South Asia Institute.

Vigil Memorializes Victims of Nepal's Earthquakes

Over 40 participants gathered outside Memorial Church Thursday to memorialize victims of the recent earthquakes in Nepal. CORRECTION: A version of this caption incorrectly stated the date of the event. In fact, it was held on Thursday.

Scholar Discusses Democracy in Islamic States

Cesari, who recently released a book on political systems in Islamic states, said that Islamic states that govern themselves according to both religious and secular principles are not necessarily undemocratic.

Exploring Identity: The Asian American Experience at Harvard

While last year’s “I, Too, Am Harvard” focused on identity and belongingness on a multiracial campus, Harvard’s AAPI students will also examine these concepts within the context of their own community.

Same Story, New Book: Repackaging Humanities at Harvard

Recently, national news outlets have declared a crisis of the humanities. But at Harvard, the plot gets more complicated. The challenges facing Harvard's humanities necessitate changes to course offerings far more than the core of the humanistic enterprise.

India Poetry Reading

Dr. Bijroy Misra announces the beginning of the 17th Annual India Poetry Reading and encourages audience members to present their poems in the Tsai Auditorium on Saturday evening. In light of recent events, the theme of this year's reading was "healing" and several speakers from the community presented related works of poetry.

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