Mental Health

Jury Finds CAMHS Employee Melanie Northrop Not Negligent in 2015 Student Suicide

Melanie G. Northrop, a Harvard Counseling and Mental Health Services employee who served as the case manager for Luke Z. Tang ’18, was found not culpable of “negligence and carelessness” in her care for Tang, a student who died by suicide in 2015.

Attorneys Present Closing Arguments in Wrongful Death Trial Against CAMHS Employee

Attorneys for Harvard Counseling and Mental Health Services employee Melanie G. Northrop said Luke Z. Tang ’18 chose not to pursue treatment prior to his death during closing arguments on the final day of the wrongful death trial on Monday.

Expert Witness Says Northrop’s Lack of Summer Contact Was ‘Typical’ for University Case Workers

Carrie E. Landa, Boston University’s executive director for student wellbeing, testified on Thursday that Harvard Counseling and Mental Health Services employee Melanie G. Northrop’s lack of contact with Luke Z. Tang ’18 over the summer was “typical” for university case workers.

Luke Tang’s Case Manager Did Not Tell Lowell Staff About His Medical History Before Suicide

Harvard Counseling and Mental Health Services employee Melanie G. Northrop said that when Luke Z. Tang ’18 returned to campus following the summer she did not ask her CAMHS colleagues about Tang or communicate his medical history to Lowell House staff.

Veterans and Medical Professionals Talk Mental Health at IOP Forum

A panel of U.S. Army veterans, mental health professionals, and a film producer discussed the mental health challenges that service members face at a Harvard Institute of Politics forum on Wednesday evening.

Expert Witness Said Northrop Did Not Meet Standard of Care in Wrongful Death Trial Over 2015 Student Suicide

An expert witness said Harvard Counseling and Mental Health Service employee Melanie G. Northrop did not meet the standard of care required of a licensed social work case manager during a wrongful death trial over the 2015 suicide of undergraduate student Luke Z. Tang ’18.

Lawyers Present Opening Arguments in Wrongful Death Trial Over 2015 Student Suicide

Attorneys representing the estate of Luke Z. Tang ’18, a sophomore student who died by suicide on Harvard’s campus in 2015, told a jury on Tuesday that Harvard Counseling and Mental Health Service employee Melanie G. Northrop was negligent in her care for Tang.

Wrongful Death Trial Against CAMHS Employee Over 2015 Student Suicide To Begin Tuesday

A trial over a wrongful death lawsuit accusing Harvard Counseling and Mental Health Service employee Melanie G. Northrop of negligence in her care of Luke Z. Tang ’18, a undergraduate who died by suicide in 2015, is set to begin Tuesday.

GSAS Student Council Nominates 6 Board Members, Leaves 12 Roles Including Presidency Unfilled

The Harvard Graduate of Arts and Sciences Student Council nominated Ph.D. candidates Walter Shen and Max Street for elections to GSC executive and advisory board positions at a meeting Wednesday night, joining four students who were nominated before the meeting began.

HUHS Saw Fewer Virtual Appointments, Mental Health Visits in FY 2023

Harvard University Health Services reported a decrease in the number of virtual patient visits in the 2023 fiscal year compared to 2022, according to the healthcare provider’s annual report published Wednesday.

Harvard University Health Services Warns Students About Spike in Respiratory Illness

Harvard University Health Services leadership warned affiliates to exercise additional caution amid rising cases of respiratory illness in an email to Harvard affiliates on Tuesday.

HUHS Removes Mental Health Care Visit Limits for Student Health

Harvard University Health Services announced on Monday it would remove visit limits for outpatient mental health care and medical consultations under Harvard’s student health insurance plan.

Roughly Half of Young Americans Face Feelings of Depression or Anxiety, Harvard IOP Youth Poll Finds

Roughly 55 percent of Americans under 30 years old reported feeling “nervous, anxious, or on edge” and 47 percent reported feeling “down, depressed or hopeless” at least several days in the last two weeks in a new survey of young adults released by the Harvard Institute of Politics Monday.

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