Harvard Reaches Tentative Agreement with Clerical and Technical Union After 13 Months of Negotiations

After 13 months of negotiations and a protracted stalemate over compensation, Harvard’s clerical and technical union reached a tentative agreement with the University before noon May 11, six days before the union’s 35th birthday.

Clerical, Technical Workers Grow Frustrated Over Yearlong Contract Negotiations with Harvard

As negotiations between Harvard’s clerical and technical union and the University pass their one-year mark, union employees have now gone more than a year and a half without a pay raise. The slow pace of negotiations has caused frustrations to mount within the union.

HUCTW Begins Picketing for Wage Increases Amid Contract Impasse

Members of the Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers gathered outside Massachusetts Hall Tuesday to demand the University grant a higher pay raise as Harvard and the union enter month 10 of contract negotiations.

HUCTW Rallies for Wage Increases Amid Contract Negotiations

More than 3,500 Harvard clerical and technical workers signed onto a letter calling on the University to agree to wage increases this week amid contract negotiations between the school and their union.

Backed by Local Officials, Harvard Unions Revive Push to Merge

Two Harvard unions representing workers in the Harvard Art Museums and Campus Services revived their push for a merger, bolstered by a petition signed by 136 members and a statement of support from the Cambridge Mayor.

Harvard Clerical and Technical Workers Ratify One-Year Contract

After some internal contention over its latest tentative agreement, Harvard’s clerical and technical workers union voted to ratify the new one-year contract Wednesday, securing raises, lump-sum bonuses, tax relief on certain Harvard classes, retroactive sick days, and new diversity, equity, and inclusion commitments.

Harvard Clerical and Technical Workers Raise Opposing Views on One-Year Tentative Agreement

Ahead of a vote on a one-year tentative agreement with the University, some members of the Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers are calling on their leadership to negotiate a higher raise, while others say accepting the 2.9 percent raise will provide immediate relief.

Five Unions, Five Contracts: Unions Rally for Contracts and Benefits

More than 120 members and supporters of five Harvard unions at various stages of contract negotiations with the University jointly rallied for contracts and benefits in front of the John Harvard statue in Harvard Yard Tuesday, chanting, “What do we want? Contracts! When do we want them? Now!”

HUCTW Alleges University Violating Contract by Denying Access to Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure

The Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers alleged the University violated its contract by denying union members access to the sexual harassment complaint resolution process outlined in their agreement, according to a statement on Tuesday.

Where Do Harvard’s Employees Work? We Mapped 11,700 of Them.

Harvard’s 13,000-member workforce is represented by 10 unions, spread across hundreds of miles, and supports thousands of students. We’ve mapped it and what pay protections workers are receiving this spring.

Clerical Union Votes to Ratify Contract With Harvard, Ushering In Raises, Protections for Temps

Ultimately, 94 percent of voters opted to accept the agreement in Wednesday’s election. Around 51 percent of the union’s 5,100-member bargaining unit participated in the vote — a turnout number that HUCTW President Carrie Barbash said she felt was strong.

University and Clerical Union Reach Tentative Agreement

After seven months of negotiations, Harvard and its largest union reached a tentative agreement on a new contract Thursday morning.

As Old Contract Expires, Harvard's Largest Union Seeks Support for Continued Negotiations

After their old contract expired — and with no new agreement immediately in sight — leaders of Harvard’s largest union hosted events across campus this week to garner support for continued negotiations with the University.

No Agreement Likely Before Contract Expires, Clerical Union Says

After months of “intense” negotiations with Harvard, leaders of Harvard’s largest labor union say it is unlikely that they will reach an agreement before members’ current contract expires. The contract is set to expire Sept. 30.

HLS Groups Blast Harvard for Contract Stalemate with its Dining Workers

15 student groups from Harvard Law School issued a statement on their website reproaching Harvard’s bargaining record with its dining service workers, characterizing the ongoing stalemate in HUDS’ most recent round of contract talks as a class and racial justice “struggle.”

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