FM Election Issue
The Rise of Trump: Harvard Professors Weigh In
Three weeks before the presidential election, the basement of Boylston Hall is filled with John Oliver’s voice, blaring, “Make Donald Drumpf Again.”
Retrospection: The UC's First Steps
“We, the undergraduates of Harvard College, are an important part of the University community, and are therefore entitled to an active role in deciding its policies and priorities,” it begins.
Teen Mag Quiz: Which Forgotten Republican Nominee Are You?
With election day rapidly approaching, FM has decided to take a look back at the original Republican presidential candidates. Which one are you? Take our quiz to find out!
Drinky Drink: Election Night
Here at FM, we’ve decided to prepare some drink recipes to calm your nerves and make buying those plane tickets a little easier.
The Conventional Wisdom
When Sruthi Palaniappan ’20 arrived at her hotel in Philadelphia, Pa., last July, she stood in line next to CNN host Wolf Blitzer.
Hillary in Harvard Square
Nancy Gertner spent many nights chatting over steaming cups of tea in Hillary Rodham's small apartment in Watertown, Mass., in 1973.
Who Wore It Better: The Pantsuit Edition
In order to get the 411 on the pantsuit phenomenon, let us turn to the experts: namely, Hillary Clinton and University President Drew G. Faust.
Echoes of '64: Harvard & Barry Goldwater
Still, certain voters found both Johnson and Goldwater equally unappealing. Their complaints bear a striking similarity to negative perceptions of Hillary Clinton and her Republican opponent.
The Word: State
My story is an Alabama story. I grew up with its names on my tongue, whispers of something untouchable: Sipsey, Black Warrior, Little River.