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Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor Talks Justice, Civic Engagement at Radcliffe Day

Supreme Court Justice Sonia M. Sotomayor discussed the strains of serving on a rightward-shifting court while speaking  at Harvard’s annual Radcliffe Day ceremony, at which she was awarded the 2024 Radcliffe Medal.​​​​​​​

In Photos: Harvard’s 373rd Commencement Exercises

Thousands of graduates, Harvard faculty, friends, and family crowded into Harvard Yard on Thursday for the University’s 373rd Commencement Exercises. But the usual pomp and circumstance of the ceremony were overshadowed by mass discontent over the decision to bar 13 pro-Palestine College student protesters from graduating.

Facing A Longstanding Racial Achievement Gap, Cambridge Moves to Standardize School Curricula

As Cambridge Public Schools takes broad steps toward ensuring students receive equal instruction with a new, standardized English curriculum, the district has found itself in a greater statewide debate about reading standards, mandating curricula, and teacher and school autonomy.

Harvard’s Academic Workers Unionized. But in a Year of Labor Ups and Downs, How Did They Win?

Harvard’s cohort of unionized student workers nearly doubled over the past year. The largest successful union — Harvard Academic Workers-United Auto workers — now represents more than 3,000 non-tenure-track faculty. Ahead of its first contract, the group is taking aim at the very structure of academic employment.

An Emerging Hub: How Biotech Spread to Allston

Allston, an area which has long been known as a hub for college students, immigrant families, and mixed industrial uses is now emerging as a new hub for one of Boston’s most lucrative industries: biotech.

‘A’ Game: How Harvard Recruits its Student-Athletes

While some have raised concerns about Harvard’s ability to recruit top athletes without name, image, and likeness collectives, others have begun to ask a larger question: should Harvard be recruiting at all?

‘How Far Is Too Far?’: Pro-Palestine Activism Under the Garber Presidency

Alan Garber has largely drawn praise for his measured response to controversy and his ability to assuage a divided campus. But some students and faculty have condemned Garber’s approach to protests for being unusually repressive and forceful, drawing new, unprecedented lines around campus speech and protest.

Critics Says Harvard’s Endowment Is Underperforming and Overly Secretive. Is It?

The lackluster performance of Harvard’s endowment — the largest in the world — has sparked concerns about the stewardship and transparency of the endowment under Harvard Management Company CEO N.P. “Narv” Narvekar.

HUCTW, HOOP Protest Sanctions Against Pro-Palestine Harvard Staff at Tuesday Rally

Nearly 100 Harvard workers and Cambridge residents held a pro-Palestine rally in front of Smith Campus Center on Tuesday to condemn the University’s disciplinary action against union members involved in the 20-day encampment in Harvard Yard.

‘Endangered’: Drew Faust Passionately Defends Higher Education at Harvard PBK Ceremony

Former University President Drew Gilpin Faust offered an impassioned defense of higher education and denounced politicians for “denigrating and destroying” the academy during her keynote address to Phi Beta Kappa honorees on Tuesday.

As it Happened: More Than 1,000 Stage Walkout at Harvard Commencement Ceremony

More than 1,000 people staged a walkout in support of 13 undergraduates who were barred from graduating, while interim President Alan M. Garber ’76 was booed at the end of his address to graduates. Follow The Crimson for live coverage of Harvard’s eventful Commencement ceremonies.

Harvard Prepares for Commencement Disruptions, Enlists Tutors as ‘De-Escalators’

The College enlisted a number of residential tutors across the 12 undergraduate Houses to serve as “de-escalators” during this week’s Commencement festivities as Harvard makes contingency plans for handling disruptive protests.

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