
‘Humanity in the Highest Regard’: Incoming BU President Speaks at HMS Class Day

Incoming Boston University President Melissa L. Gilliam urged graduates to “love yourself, love another, and love mankind” in a keynote speech at the Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Dental Medicine Class Day on Thursday.

West Point Colonel Addresses Harvard Graduates at First-Ever Veterans’ Affinity Celebration

U.S. Army Colonel and West Point professor Everett Spain urged graduating Harvard veterans to treat their degree as a “commission to do good” during the University’s first annual veterans’ affinity graduation celebration.

The Academic Policing of Academics on Policing

In 2022, professors Christopher Lewis and Adaner Usmani argued that to reduce violent crime, the U.S. needs to drastically shorten its prison sentences — and increase its police force by half a million officers. Their ideas soon become a flashpoint of online discourse.

HOOP Hosts ‘People’s Commencement’ to Honor 13 Harvard Seniors Denied Degrees

Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine hosted an mock graduation ceremony to honor the 13 seniors whose degrees were withheld for their involvement in the encampment.

In Photos: Harvard’s 373rd Commencement Exercises

Thousands of graduates, Harvard faculty, friends, and family crowded into Harvard Yard on Thursday for the University’s 373rd Commencement Exercises. But the usual pomp and circumstance of the ceremony were overshadowed by mass discontent over the decision to bar 13 pro-Palestine College student protesters from graduating.

The Harvard Kennedy School is Getting More International. Its Offerings Are Not Keeping Pace.

In interviews with The Crimson, HKS affiliates raised concerns that the school’s curriculum, faculty, and financial aid programs have not kept pace with its growing international student population despite some efforts from leadership.

‘Connection You Can Cling To’: Harvard Celebrates Latinx Graduates at Affinity Event

Harvard Law School Professor Andrew M. Crespo ’05, the first tenured Latino faculty member at HLS, urged graduates to remember the contributions of their families during a Latinx affinity graduation celebration Tuesday morning.

As it Happened: More Than 1,000 Stage Walkout at Harvard Commencement Ceremony

More than 1,000 people staged a walkout in support of 13 undergraduates who were barred from graduating, while interim President Alan M. Garber ’76 was booed at the end of his address to graduates. Follow The Crimson for live coverage of Harvard’s eventful Commencement ceremonies.

Facing A Longstanding Racial Achievement Gap, Cambridge Moves to Standardize School Curricula

As Cambridge Public Schools takes broad steps toward ensuring students receive equal instruction with a new, standardized English curriculum, the district has found itself in a greater statewide debate about reading standards, mandating curricula, and teacher and school autonomy.

Copy-and-Paste: How Allegations of Plagiarism Became the Culture War’s New Frontier

Harvard had already found itself in the crossfires of the culture war. But with new software at their disposal and a trove of unscrutinized scholarship to dive into, the plagiarism allegations against Claudine Gay had opened up a new frontier.

‘Our Forever President’: Black Harvard Graduates Celebrate Claudine Gay at Affinity Ceremony

Two Harvard graduates presented an award for faculty who show “a strong commitment to social justice” to former Harvard President Claudine Gay during the University-wide celebration of Black graduates on Tuesday evening in Sanders Theatre.

Dilapidated Dorms: How Harvard Undergrads Cope with Run-Down Housing

Some students say they’ve grown accustomed to living with rodents and the occasional maintenance problem in dilapidated houses. But for others, housing problems raise broader concerns about how run-down living spaces may detract from quality of life at Harvard.

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