
We Need Students on the Ad Board

If we want Harvard to serve as a community in the true sense of the word, then we must all play a part, even with the difficult aspects of living together. Harvard students are ready for the challenge: What we need is for the administration to give it to us.

Close Quincy Courtyard Now

I look forward to the day Harvard finally does the right thing and closes the Yard and all other residential common spaces. But I also think baby steps — closing Quincy courtyard — are a step in the right direction.

Want Better Harvard Debates? Make Rhetoric Mandatory.

Expos 45 has the potential to imbue students with the strength to be open and vulnerable to new perspectives. Thorough instruction in considerate, empathetic, and willing conversation holds tremendous power.

Harvard Is Not Home to America’s Best and Brightest

The myth that Harvard has a monopoly on genius is rooted in two core beliefs: that Harvard College admits the best applicants and that its world-class academics then produce world-class graduates. Neither are true.

We Deserve To Know How Many Generational African Americans Go to Harvard

With the admissions data released last week, it seems almost certain that the number of Black students in Harvard’s Class of 2028 is lower than in years past. But because Harvard doesn’t count us, I have no idea how many fewer people like me the new freshman class has.

The Next Dean of Harvard College Needs To Be Fun

The repeated failures of attempts to impose on the social lives of students offers a lesson to the next dean of the College that they would be wise to heed: Show us you care but don’t overbear.

Admissions Statistics Aren’t Very Revealing. Here’s What To Look At Instead.

Look beyond attention-grabbing statistics and continue to engage this issue at the depth it requires. History will remember fondly those of us who do.

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