
Cabot, Kirkland House Faculty Deans to Step Down

Dean of the College Rakesh Khurana and Stephanie R. Khurana — who currently serve as faculty deans of Cabot House — will step down from their post in the House at the end of the 2019-2020 academic year, the pair wrote in an email to house residents Monday afternoon.

Fourteen UC Representatives Elected in Midterms

Thirty-four people ran for 14 open positions on the Council, but some students who won elections were write-in candidates on the ballot. The Council was not able to declare a winner in one contest, in Cabot House, because the election ended in a tie.


Members of Cabot House pose for a photo with Dean of the College and Cabot Faculty Dean Rakesh Khurana with posters depicting popular memes involving Khurana.

Burst Sewer Pipe Closes Cabot Dining Hall

​Cabot House’s dining hall closed Wednesday afternoon and evening after a sewage pipe in a nearby bathroom broke Tuesday night, producing an odor that many Cabot students called foul.

Cabot Cafe

Students gather for Cabot Cafe’s housewarming, enjoying brownies, cookies, and drinks on Sunday night.

In Court, Harvard Attempts to Dismiss Sexual Harassment Case

Harvard’s lawyers made the case to dismiss a lawsuit brought by Alyssa R. Leader ’15, who alleged widespread misconduct by Harvard administrators in handling her sexual harassment claims, in the first court meeting for the suit Friday.

In Second Year, Sophomore Orientations Expands to Three More Houses

​Orientation is an experience typically reserved for freshmen, but an increasing number of upperclassman Houses are welcoming back sophomores early for their own version of the transition process.


<p> Surrounding the beautiful and exclusive Quad (country club) Lawn, Cabot House is likely to give you the single and spacious suites you have yearned for since orientation week. If that’s still not enough, the “Nutella-me-more,” a latte with nutella, will pull you in for sure. </p>

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