
Cover of Brandon Sanderson's 'Wind and Truth'

Cover of "Wind and Truth," the latest installment in The Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Sanderson.

Pammy's in Cambridge

A mural of quiet, peaceful farm scenes adorns the pathway into the space, offering early hints at the restaurant’s emphasis on the local and fresh.

Thinkpiece: We Need to Listen to Music Less

Occasionally using music as background is fine, but if we continue relegating it to background stimulation, art has a problem.

The Tacky Artistic Grand Gestures of Mark Zuckerberg

Appreciating art is a uniquely human activity — which distinguishes Zuckerberg from the robotic ideas of infinite growth other tech bros propagate.

Harvard Authors Profile: Aislinn Brophy ’17 on the Magic of Writing

Aislinn Brophy '17 discussed their YA fantasy goals and inspirations, reflecting on the common themes of identity, love, and family in their work.

Artist Profile: Rampa from Keinemusik on More Than a Decade in Electronic Music

Rampa, part of Berlin music-creator collective Keinemusik, reflects on his long career in the electronic music scene.

‘Pippin’ Preview: A Young Man’s Search for Fulfillment

Audiences should be on the lookout for a human staircase and breathtaking stunts during the opening number, “Magic to Do.”

Actors' Shakespeare Project's 'Emma'

Liza Giangrande and Josephine Moshiri Elwood in Actors’ Shakespeare Project’s production of "Emma."

‘Long Live’ (Anna and Allison’s Version)

AM: “Long live all the mountains we moved.”  ASP: “I’ve had the time of my life fighting dragons with you.”

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