911 Ten Years Later
Four columns are erected in Harvard Yard bearing the names of Harvard affiliates lost in the September attacks.
Scott Campbell at Interfaith Conversations
Reverend Scott Campbell speaks at Interfaith Conversations on the 10th anniversary of 9/11
Speaker panel at Interfaith Conversations
Reshma Lutfeali, Daryush Mehta, and Diana L. Eck speak on a panel at "Interfaith Conversations" on the 10th anniversary of 9/11.
Speaker panel at Interfaith Conversations
Reshma Lutfeali, Daryush Mehta, and Diana L. Eck speak on a panel at "Interfaith Conversations" on the 10th anniversary of 9/11.
Samir Selmanovic gives Keynote address at Interfaith Converstaions
Samir Selmanovic gives the Keynote address at Interfaith Conversations on the 10th Anniversary of 9/11
A tourist in Harvard Yard sports American flag pocketed cut-off jeans as part of her ensemble. She waits as her friends take pictures outside of Boylston Hall.
Four columns in Harvard’s old and new yards stand in memorium of Harvard affiliates lost in the September attacks.
Hustle and Bustle
The bustle of Harvard Yard continues as the commemorative bell tolls of Memorial Church—ringing at the exact times that each of the planes crashed on the morning of the attacks—fill the surrounding area.
Candle Light Vigil
Students gather in Tercentenary Theatre during the Candle Light Vigil for the tenth anniversary of the September 11th attacks.
Three students light each others candles in Tercentenary Theatre during the Candle Light Vigil held Sunday night in memorium of the September 11th attacks. Students gathered here during the tenth anniversary of the tragedy in New York to remember those who were lost.