Archives → 1981 → 11/9
- Report by Klitgaard Nears Completion
- Tom Lehrer
- A Lehrer Sampler
- Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
- Women to March on Pentagon To Protest 'System of Power'
- Assembly Moves to Increase Student Seats for Council
- BC Drops Booters On Two-Goal Finish
- Stickwomen Fall in Eastern Playoffs
- Patriots, Defeated in Overtime, Drop Season Mark to 2-8
- Scoreboard
- Aquamen Drop Finale to Brown
- Disc Flingers Lose Two; Eliminated at Regionals
- Women Booters Rule the East
- Harriers Take Eastern Title
- Gridders Dump William and Mary, 23-14
- Yale Continues to Roll, Tops Cornell
- Stylish Hosts