Archives → 1895 → 4/10
- No Headline
- Overseers to Discuss Football.
- Football Practice.
- 'Varsity Crew.
- Freshman Crew.
- Mr. Copeland's Lecture.
- Athletic Conference.
- Baseball Notes.
- Simultaneous Chess.
- Mott Haven Notes.
- Sermons in Christ Church.
- Freshman Debating Club.
- Last Vesper Service.
- April Recess.
- Mr. Agassiz's Lecture.
- The Freshman Musical Clubs.
- The Class Games.
- Intercollegiate Relay Race.
- No Headline
- Communication.
- California Athletic Team.
- U. of M. Enrolment.
- Y. A. A. Spring Games.
- Obituary.
- Dr. Coolidge's Lecture.
- No Headline
- University Calendar.
- Official Notice.
- U. S. Weather Forecast.
- Notice.
- Notice.
- Special Notice.
- No Headline