Archives → 1895 → 4/12
- No Headline
- No Headline
- The Game Today.
- Varsity Baseball Notice.
- Class Day Notice.
- The Inter-Class Games.
- Mr. Garrison's Lecture.
- Last Lecture on Dante.
- Georgetown, 20; Yale, 5.
- New York, 9; Brown, 7.
- Boston, 14; Princeton, 7.
- Injured Yale Man will Recover.
- Sophomore Crew.
- Shooting Club.
- April Recess.
- Intercollegiate Cricket.
- Student Volunteer Work.
- I. C. A. A. and A. A. U.
- Wendell Phillips Club.
- Communication.
- References for Professor Norton's Lecture.
- English Press on International Games.
- Course on "Modern Novels."
- Vesper Service.
- No Headline
- University Calendar.
- Official Notice.
- U. S. Weather Forecast.
- Notice.
- Fencing Club.
- University Glee Club of New York
- Special Notice.