Q Guide Drinking Game

After a long, drawn out spring semester, you probably have a lot of feelings about your classes, including the unexpected 8 hr/week workload and that unwarranted B- your Gen Ed TF gave you. You might be reluctant to express your feelings in their true form, since they may be, how shall we put this, harsh. Flyby has the solution for you: copious amounts of alcohol. And there’s no better way to get trashed than a good old fashioned drinking game.

Evaluate the Course Overall
The first question on the course evaluation is a pretty broad overview, but it’ll tell you a lot about how the rest of the rating is going to go. Chances are it may not be good. If you answer:
Excellent, Very Good, Good - Take a sip, this one’ll be easy.
Fair, Unsatisfactory - Take a shot, you’ll need it when you start roasting your incompetent TF.
If your workload was over 8+ hours a week, take a shot. You could use a little bit of unwinding and relaxation after a semester of agony.
If your workload is under 4 hours, take a sip, you lucky dog, you.
How Did This Course Change You?
We’re pretty sure Intro to Bible didn’t convert you, and honestly we feel it’s pretty hard to answer this question if you never showed up to lecture or did any of the readings.
If you have no idea what to say, take a shot. Take two if you’re truly at a loss for words.
Rating your Professor/TF
For every curse word you use/want to use, take a loooong sip. Every insult, take a sip. Every time you think about how deeply you’ve been wronged, take a sip.
On the other hand, finish your drink if you feel your professor was truly one-of-a-kind. This is a momentous occasion, so better celebrate it!
Not only will you get lit, but you’ll also get your final grades back early (which may lead to even more drinking). Invite over your salty study-buddies, and kick off reading period with a fun night roasting your professor and reminiscing about that midterm you all failed. Happy evaluating!